My friend Marilyn once said to me, "Make things you love that you want to keep, that way you will be crazy about them and others will be too." So I have adopted that mindset (try explaining that to your husband when you just started your jewelry business). I love it when I have completed an amazing piece and think, "I am going to have to make something like this because I am not letting this one go." Needless to say, I adore this statement necklace! Three strands are vintage necklaces I received from my in-laws that I restrung and 3 plus a bracelet are new pieces also given to me. How lucky am I? VERY! I wore it recently to a fundraiser with a black tiered lace cocktail dress and all the women swooned over it. Last night I wore it to our monthly Bunco night with a pair of white jeans and a black sleeveless top and again all the ladies loved it. Right now The Necklace is on loan to a fellow Bunco Babe and is en route to Las Vegas where she will be modeling it at a wedding this weekend. She asked if someone offered me $10,000 for it would I accept?
Devon, How lucky are you to live close to Karen & get to go to her house to craft together. I AM SO JEALOUS! I only get to talk to her on the phone each week. DARN IT I THINK I'LL JUST COME OUT TO VISIT & WE CAN ALL 3 HANG OUT! I LOVE your jewelry design. I just got back from attending ADORN ME. I hope you will come visit me & see all the posts about it. AMAZING was the only word for the whole week. They are having it again in 2011 I would love for you to come out & join me in attending. I can hook you up with some amazing teachers! Charlene